Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Story Bells

      Sometimes as I'm reading, a certain word or phrase stops me, because it gives me a glimpse of a story. It's a nice feeling, like watching a single firework. I call those things story bells because they're like the echoes of stories that haven't been written yet. I've started a list of them in my writing notebook, and just yesterday I rediscovered an exercise that goes perfectly with them. I think I got it out of a how-to-write book. This is the prompt:

"What images do certain words evoke?"

 It's simple but so fun! Here are two of mine:

The word penciled makes me imagine
The standard yellow notebook
And a plain brown wooden #2 pencil
Sharpened to a fine point
Hovering over a beautifully written
Sentence in small, neat cursive

The word marine makes me imagine
Rocky shoals and otters surrounded
By kelp, and aquariums full of air bubbles
It makes me imagine rocks under my feet
And the wind whipping dress and hair
The cry of seagulls not far off

Now you try it! Here are some words from my list: rambunctious, lichen, chess, glittering, burnished (but if those don't strike any story bells, use words that do).


  1. This is a fun and interesting concept. I have certain words that I attach to literature. For example, whenever I hear the word "incandescently" (which of course is not very often, ha) it ALWAYS makes me think of Pride and Prejudice. The word "immolation" makes me think of The Cask of Amontillado and the word "irrevocably" makes me think of Twilight. :)

  2. Interesting. :) I guess words strike us all in different ways.

  3. Same here about the "incandescently" and "irrevocably" !

    I like the imagery behind "penciled". Now I'll probably think of this when I read that word somewhere :)
