Thursday, June 14, 2012

C.S. Lewis

If I could go back in time and spend a day talking to one author, it would be C.S. Lewis. He is one of my favorite (if not favorite) authors. I love The Chronicles of Narnia. When I was small my dad read them to me, and anytime I was sick in bed I listened to them on tape. C.S. Lewis narrates so clearly and simply, but somehow the language he uses is so beautiful (that's a broad word--but you'll understand if you've read his books). If I had to pick a favorite Narnia book, it would probably be The Horse and His Boy. Every page is an adventure, whether it's dialogue or background story or description of a scene.

Here is a quote from C.S. Lewis: “Eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably.”

I agree! During school I often feel like I go from schoolwork to homework to getting ready for bed. Those are the days that I like to spend a happy hour at the kitchen table, slowly chewing my lunch while reading a book propped up on a stand. I have to be careful, though, or I'll end up eating a little more so I can read longer and then reading a little longer so I can eat more! :[


  1. Ahahaha, I face the same problem you mentioned in the last sentence.

  2. How funny! Also "The Horse and His Boy" is my favorite too. It's what gave me such a wanderlust at a young age and a running away urge!!! I think my desire to always see what's beyond the borders (or see what's at the edge of the world on a video game) comes from this early influence!
