Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fan Fiction

       I get the impression that fan fiction is rather frowned upon in the writing world, and I can understand why. It's not original. Everything from the characters, to the tone, to the setting, to the dialogue, to the theme is all based on someone else's idea. But I think fanfic can be fun, creative, and good writing practice. It's like cookies. They're delicious, and as long as you don't eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and sit around like a couch potato, they are just fine for you!

    So guess what...I'm posting a fanfic story for you to read! Here are my two disclaimers:

1. I've read fan stories and been totally mortified. If other people's imaginations of your favorite characters annoys you, just carry on with what you were doing before you started reading this.
2. This story is based on the season 7 of the TV show, 24, so if you're not a fan, this probably won't be interesting.

      Have a laugh, and tell me what you think! The Presidential Endeavor.


  1. Yaaaaaaaaaaay! You should post the other stories, too! Or is it too much? Like the entire beach house saga!!! How hilar that you ask if other people's writing about your fave characters annoys you. Maybe most people don't think about that as much as we do.

    1. Thanks for reading my blog! I was do excited when I saw I had lots of comments.
      I will never forget than terrible Tony and Michelle fan story. >:0

    2. Oh, and the beach house stories. I wonder if I should? They're so crazy!
