Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Bookshelf

   If I hadn't gotten The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (by Rebecca Skloot) in the mail with instructions to read it by the 14th, I probably wouldn't have started it, and if I had I probably wouldn't have finished it. But I did all three.
   It's a non-fiction book that deals with the Lacks family, science, and ethics. There's a good synopsis Skloot's website, but as for style...
   It's told in three parts: life, death, and immortality. Life and death are both semi-novel style, with little flashes forward to Skloot's life. Immortality is more about her research journey and the people she met along the way. Even though a lot of it is about cancer, cells, tissue donation, and law suits, it's described simply enough that I understood it. What I like about Skloot's narration is that it's so conversational. It feels like she's sitting across from you and actually telling you the story.


  I'm slowly making my way through Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell. The characters are rather silly people, but it's fun just to read a chapter or two a day (especially because each chapter is almost like a mini-story within the book). It's set in the mid-1800's in the town of Cranford, which is full of old gossipy ladies with interesting pasts. If you've read Jane Austen's novels, it's a step down, but it might still be interesting to you.

   I also just started A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and Boxen, and I keep wanting to reread The Hiding Place.

   What's on your shelf?


  1. Goodness I'm so impressed with how many books you read! You're a writer indeed. I can't remember the last new fiction I read... ehehehe... is that rueful?

  2. Oh, maybe I made myself sound more reading than I am! I just have bursts of reading and then breaks where I don't read anything.
    That is kind of sad! You should read something.

  3. Oh, maybe I made myself sound more reading than I am! I just have bursts of reading and then breaks where I don't read anything.
    That is kind of sad! You should read something.
